To make a character move, we suggest you first start by using one of our premades. For example, the Simple Player: Run and Jump premade. You may change the model to something you like, and go from there. Playtesting will show you a joystick and jump button. 

If you want to make one from scratch, we suggest using the Joystick node to make your character move around.

1. Select a character you would like to move around and add it to the Hype. 

2. Add a Joystick node. We'll make this character move in a 3D plane. 

2.1. Under Move: Magnitude, set the Max Value to 5.

3. Add a Force node. This will make the character move around.

3.1. Set the target of the Force node to be the character you added. Also, make sure the Force node is pointing in the direction the character is facing. This way, the character will always move forwards.

3.2. Turn the Local Force on.

3.2. Go back to the Joystick node and link the Move: Magnitude to the Force node's Amount. The Force node should now look like this.

4. Now add an Angle Rotator node. This will make the character turn in the direction you face with the joystick.

4.1. Again, set the target to be the character you added earlier. 

4.2. Set the Operation to Set Rotation, and the Space to Global.

4.3. Go back to the Joystick node and link Move: Angle to Euler Y in the Angle Rotator node. It should look like this.

5. If you playtest, the character should now move around. We haven't set an animation for it yet so it will just move while standing idle. To add an animation, we will need to include a Compare node

5.1. Set Value B to 0.01, and the Operator to Greater or Equal

5.2. On the Joystick node, create a link from Move: Magnitude to the Compare node's Value A and use calculated value. Then, create another link from Touch End to Value A on the Compare node and set it to 0. This will make it so that when the character stops moving, the animation goes back to standing idle. 

5.3. Finally, go back to the Compare node and set a link from Output if True to the character, and change the animation to Run. From Output if False, set it to Stand Idle. The Compare and Joystick Nodes should now look like this. 

6. If you playtest now, the character should run around, and stand idle when you stop touching the joystick.